Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Penny and the Ashby Boys

We stayed with the Ashby's on our way home and cracked up when we saw this. Penny in the BOAT w/Ethan. Penny actually had to be taken out of the box. It's fun to see Curtis and Ethan, growing into happy fun boys!

Christmas 2008

We joined our family in Cypress for Christmas and Mindy's 21st B-Day. It was a great time seeing everyone and especially Mindy's growing belly! It was so nice being with our kids. I can't believe they are all grown up and adults now and planning their own families and lives.

Poor Madison and Ryan ended up with a bad flu and were down and out a couple of days. I tried my best to help out, but Madison and Ryan pretty much took care of each other. Fun to see them in Love!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

They Say It Hardley Snows In Redding!

We have been hear two years now and both years it has snowed! We think it's funny, and don't mind it at all. It is the first time Dana and I have lived where it snows. (if you call it that - because it doesn't last long) But we have really found it fun and enjoy the beauty it brings with it! To walk out and look to the sky and have snow flakes drop on you face is something everyone needs to experience. Our friend Clark Boulton said "you HAVE lead a sheltered life!"' And then to drive around and see the green trees w/snow sprinkled on it is a Winter Wonder Land! - Maybe I'm just getting sentimental and old!